The Tiananmen Square school of hospitality

Everyone wants freedom

    If there’s one thing I learned from living in Tokyo for 8 years it’s that my opinion on Chinese, Korean, Japanese and even Russians, before I moved to Asia, was completely wrong.


I guess that realization happens every time you travel.


You learn that Japanese people like to linger over dinner even more than the French. Koreans love soap operas. And Chinese people have a great lust for life.


Basically, people are people wherever you go.


Now that Obama has decided to “Open the Floodgate to Chinese Tourists,” according to Forbes Magazine, I think Americans should take another look at what happened at Tiananmen Square to learn more about who our visitors really are.



    In recent, high tension moves, the Chinese government has selfishly grasped at various oil rich islands in the South and East China Sea.


You might be tempted to think that red China is only expressing the will of it’s people.


But if that was true, it would be like saying all Americans believed that taking over the oil fields in Iraq was a good, honest thing to do. Or even… we think it’s right to invade other countries because it’s good for our economy.


Even though lot of people around the world may have that opinion of us… because of what they’ve seen on the news…


Is that who we are? Of course not!



    It’s unfortunate but Politicos and corporations are most often only going after the profits. 


That’s true in America. And that’s also true for nearly every other country out there.


But when you ask the man on the street his opinion… or ask your friend for help… you find out what people are really about.



    That’s why, when you think about the extra 5M travel visas that Obama is going to make available every year from now on, rising from 70M to 100M by 2020, you have to realize that our new visitors aren’t really all that different from you or I.


A lot of them come from hard-working families, just like yours; people who’ve struggled for generations to make it… and now they’ve finally arrived. They have money, education, and because of China’s one child policy, the youth have the complete support of their families to live life on their own terms.


And I believe, that’s what they’re coming to America to see.



    If Tiananmen Square stands for anything, it’s this – Chinese people aren’t conformists.


Look at the proof. This is why their government is still so desperate to enforce law and order… and do anything they can keep the economy speeding ahead.


If it doesn’t – they know their people have their own opinions… they aren’t afraid of tanks… and what do you think an Occupy Wall Street movement would look like in a country of 1.3 Billion?!



    Now that this new Chinese generation is coming over to visit us we have a real chance to make a connection.


They aren’t just looking to take home pictures and souvenirs. They’re here to learn… to find out what “America” is really all about… what freedom means. So that’s exactly what we need to show them.


With kindness and hospitality we can bridge the gap. We can build trust.


If you open your mind and reach out to our new guests, we can break down ancient walls of stereotype and propaganda. And, through mutual benefit, create peace in the world… taking power away from those who tell us that security can only come through force.



    I say, the Chinese want the same things for their families as you do for yours.


Let’s make sure we use that common desire to get over our hang ups and outdated world views… because we’ll only realize the dream of a bright future through unity and better communication in the world – never division.


More Chinese tourism isn’t just great for your local economy… as an American ambassador, it’s your opportunity to make the world a better place.



– Jeremiah


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